Catalina Maria Johnson

International radio broadcaster, bilingual cultural journalist, music curator

To quote the Wall Street Journal, the category of ….” Best Latin Rock, Alternative or Urban Album group, a name that doesn’t do justice to the nominated discs … Through a variety of hip-hop and world variations on Latin music both new and traditional, the artists create vibrant fusions that transcend easy classification.” Yes, indeed. Check the video playlist of the five nominees – wonderful artists, all of them: Colombian Choc Quib Town, Puertorican Robi Draco Rosa, USA Latinos Grupo Fantasma, Tijuana artists Nortec Collective Presents: Bostich + Fussible, and Chilean Ana Tijoux. Smart, confident artists that are totally rooted in their Latinidad, and express it in their own signature ways. Who´s your favorite in this group? Dificilísimo dicidir entre los nominados al Grammy 2011 en la categoria de mejor album latino de rock, música alternativa o urbana. Todos los artistas en estre grupo se lo merecen: De Colombia, Choc Quib Town, representando Puerto Rico, Robi Draco Rosa, Grupo Fantasma basado en Austin, Texas, el Nortec Collective presentando a: Bostich + Fussible proyecto musical de Tijuana, y la hip hopera chilena Ana Tijoux. En los videos vemos amplias muestras del gran talento y originalidad de todos estos artistas, arraigados en la latinidad y expresándola en cada quien a su manera. Y el voto tuyo, ¿para quién sería?

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