Catalina Maria Johnson

International radio broadcaster, bilingual cultural journalist, music curator

Who’da thunk anything like “psychedelic salsa dura” could work so beautifully?!

We had a chance to chat with Peruvian Efrain Rozas, director and lead vocalist of Brooklyn’s La Mecánica Popular about how just such a genre emerged as he and his bandmates (from Colombia and Venezuela as well) explored making music that uses guitar instead of salsa’s classic horns (a la Peruvian Chicha) and played analog synthesizers and oscillators real time (a la psychedelia and experimental music), all of this paired with heady classic salsa dura beats and lots of improvisation.

La Mecánica Popular’s new vinyl just dropped November 18, so do check it out and prepare to experience salsa rooted in Fania’s legacy that is truly from the 21st century.

Catalina explores nuestra cultura via music on Beat Latino every week. Visit Facebook,  subscribe via Itunes or download the podcast on the archives.

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