Catalina Maria Johnson

International radio broadcaster, bilingual cultural journalist, music curator

Archive for the ‘El Blog’ Category

★ The Absolutely iLevitable Passions of iLe’s 21st-Century Boleros

★ Los Hacheros: Sweet and furious salsa, old-school and NYC-style

★ Rhymes, Rhythms and Mucho Mitote

★ Delving deep into Ecuador and the Andes: ZZK adds Aya Music to its label

★ Bostich & Fussible plus Cirque de Soleil? ¡Sí, por favor!

★ Las Cafeteras : Telling a new story, one song at a time

★ Still rebellious after 500 years: the best AfroLatinx anthem ever

★ Another Word for Beauty: Moments of Music and Redemption